%% The Editor's Desk                                   by  Robert Niles %%

Another week with only rumors abound. Sorry, nothing concrete
...interesting stories, guesses, assumptions, etc. But I will stick with
what I stated before ...I really don't wish to start rumor mongering so...

On to something else. :)

Quite a few of you out there have Internet connections ..or have the
ability to send mail to someone on the Internet. So in the next issue
I will give out addresses to Magazines in which you can write letters to
the editor. The week after, I will compile a list of email addresses in
which you can contact major developers of Amiga software and hardware.
While these might not be very Amiga specific, it might show how "involved"
you can get with magazines, developers, and the infamous via email. The
interaction is quite interesting.

Until then, we have some interesting articles from Mr. Compton, 
Mr. Tiberio, and others....

...but before I go, I need to ask you a favour. 

Michael Witbrock, the owner of the Commodore Information Resource on the
World Wide Web (WWW) is in need of a paint program that (preferably) works
with the Picasso II board. He's been updating the Resource and a bit of it
involves pictures (a site to see if you have the ability to use Mosaic on
the WWW).

I ask that if any of you individuals or companies wouldn't mind donating
him a paint program, please get ahold of him at:


I thank you all!! Enjoy!!!

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